Monday, March 15, 2021

Kids of/in Bastion: Electric Bastionland for kids?

I've used Chris McDowall's Electric Bastionland game system to run a Christmass game for kids before. I learned a few things from that. For one, it's fast and easy enough to play with kids, and secondly that it's easy enough to adapt for play with kids. So I've been thinking on what I could do to use it with kids and make it a kids game. Since I now have a blog, I could start brainstorming live and maybe get some feedback from people reading, or not.

Goal of the game
Since I'm not going to use this for teaching I can just set the goal of the game to be fun. As I'm playing with kids I'd like it to be wholesome fun though. I would like adventure stories like kids movies and stories. Think Huckleberry Finn, think Karl May, think Tintin. But also E.T., The Goonies, Despicable Me, The Three Ninjas, The Little Rascals...
Uncovering mysteries, helping people out, being curious and getting into trouble, getting out of trouble again.
That kind of stuff.

Violence and Lethality
One of the things I only noticed later after playing the Christmas game is that I didn't use HP. There was never any chance of dying. The excitement came from a different source than "Will my PC survive?". Combat wouldn't be a big thing either. Rather than having it be central part of the game with turns etc, it would just be a save. If not succesful you get wounded or captured or whatever. To quote the FATE rpg (I think) "you are at their mercy". They (the victors) decide what to do with the defeated. Something like that. I also like the conditions tracker from Lady Blackbird and might use that. It would create situations the PC's might try to solve.

Adventure and problem solving
I like the problem solving shenaniganery of Electric Bastionland. So problem solving would still be a thing I think. I'd have a borough with some interresting locations and problems to solve by the player characters. Several seeds and hooks for curious players to pursue. Interesting NPC's, curious situations, safe spaces between those, a clubhouse or secret hide-out. Welcome to my neighborhood! Let's find something to do.

These are my thoughts on it for the moment. It's just a brainstorm really. Let's see if I can get it somewhere.

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