Friday, July 29, 2022

The Door At The End (an obstacle to overcome)

 The players in my game will be going through a secret passageway to the keep, hoping to gain access unnoticed. What they do not know is that someone in the new management of the keep has found it as well, being the curious wizard-type that he is, and installed a magic door to keep it safe. His magic wasn't entirely successful though, not he knows this, and this door gained a personality that can be played into to convince it to be opened up to the players. This is how The Door At The End's magical protection looks like.

A bas relief in Mechelen city that we found yesterday and took a picture of.

The Door At The End (of the secret tunnel)

At the end of the tunnel you find a door to the Keep's fountain. On the door is a bas relief of a lion with a ring in it's mouth through which some tassled ribbons are draped.

When you try to open it in any way, it will come alive and talk, unclearly as if the ring in its mouth is actually obstructing it.

1. Hewwo phewe. How are you phoing?
2. Ohohohhoho! Phtoooop! Phah Tickwleph!
3. Exphcuuphe me? Phwho awe you?
4. Unhand me at oneph! Phavageph!
5. Aaauw! PHTOP IT!
6. *eye roll* Wha' awe you doim?

It is recently installed and enchanted by Orion the Advisor, who found the passages. It can only allow those with the right key, but there is a flaw in it's design in that it has a bit of a personality, and it often feels lonely here. 

It might open for you if you...

1. Tell him a story. Either one he hasn't heard before, or a specific one that is his favorite.
2. Sing him a song. Either one he hasn't heard before, or a specific one that is his favorite.
3. Talk to him about the outside world. He wants to experience it through you. Does it line up with what he has heard before? How does this influence his decision on wether or not to open for you?
4. Teach him a sentence in a new language.
5. Make him pretty somehow. Paint, flowers, a ribbon ... Bonus if you can show him in a mirror.
6. Show him a dance, trick or other visual performance. 

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