Thursday, March 2, 2023

Rulers of Pegolia 2023 - Week 2 Update.


The current state of the game world

The result of the second week of gameplay are in and parsed (as I had some time for it today). As it stands I need some 2 hours each week for this, which is too much to sell it to other teachers, especially those not familiar with roleplaying. But I'm having fun at least! That counts for something.

Let's see, starting at row A, and moving down from left to right we have King Jayden first, followed by Empress Lauris and Empress Chlor, then Emperor Alex, Berticobella, Emperor Shibi Js and finally The Wild Child. I didn't specifically tackle them in that order, which makes me think that I might have to make a rule about who goes first, since that can have influence on what happens. Just a little side-note to think about.

King Jayden of The North Sea on Land
King Jayden, the poor guy, sent out this cheery letter introducing himself and the name of his country (Oh, I see I have to edit that on the map!) to everyone, only to get a letter that says "Hi king Jayden, so what's the name of your country?" and another confusing one asking him to join a war. Luckily I was already planning on having my character being glad with just a friendly greeting (he might be feral, but he's just a kid living in the wild. Having friends is fun!). 

Also, he's the only kid that has no others in religion class, being the only Protestant in his year, so unlike the other classes, he doesn't have this same idea of others moving around in the world, actively thinking, as the other groups do. So yeah, my character was like, what the heck, let's send him a gift of our surplus food (delivered on a cart pulled by stags, while a fox wearing a silver cape delivered a letter saying "Hey Jayden! Me Wildekind! Enjoy Food!"

He also took an action, deciding to try and expand his kingdom to A4, but his scouts are accosted and cornered by giant crabs (the size of horses!) and ask for help. In this, his scouts also learned some valuable lessons about preventing this type of thing in the first place, gaining Exploration (2) as a skill, (though none of the kids know any of the skills).

Empress Lauris of the Empire of Israel
Empress Lauris mainly sent out some letters. One letter to King Jayden, about which I wonder if she means to act as if she didn't receive his previous letter or if she was not paying attention. Chances are 50/50. But the other letter was sent to Emperor Alex, agreeing that help might be nice, as well as trade. She didn't specifically say she was after his Vibranium, but he's the only one currently holding that resource. 

She didn't really take any other action, no building or scouting or researching or anything. So I rolled for an event. Her people got more upset with their proximity to Messias that they were holding protest marches, especially since they could see soldiers moving throughout the Empire of Messias.

To make things even more interesting a spy from the Empire of Messias was caught sneaking into the Empire and is now in prison. She will have to decide what to do with them.

Not doing things is not gaining her any skills. If she doesn't pick it up she's gonna lag behind quickly.

Empress Chlor of the Empire of Messias
Empress Chlor, oh boy. Being unsure of wether or not her allies were lying to her or being true friends, she went hard into the spy game (failing enough to level up twice in a single turn!). The only one she seems to be really trusting is Berticobella, to whom she entrusted her entire plan. But yeah, she's acting from a feeling of being cornered.

Her actions were deploying soldiers (which frightened the general population), trying to build walls around her kingdom, (but it turned out a lot of the workers were drafted into said army) and sending out spies to everyone (except, I'm assuming, Berticobella, to which she wrote her entire plan in a message). 

The Kingdom of Bradj immediately discovers her, as was the case in the Empire of Israel and the Dark Woods. In The North Sea on Land she discovered the plans for expansion and the current trouble with the enormous crabs and in Signapour she discovered the Vibranium Walls being built to deal with possible volcanic disaster.

Through all this she learned Spying (2), Discovering Secrets (3) and Building (2) throughout this one action. The spy game seems to be scary in this type of game. In a previous iteration someone also burned all her bridges by having spies uncovered. What will the fallout be now?

Emperor Alex of the Empire of Signapour
Emperor Alex mainly tries to deal with the volcano. He had expressed concerns, asking me in class if he needed to move his entire country. I said that's definitely one option, but there are probably other things he could do, especially with that Vibranium he has. He decided to build walls around his cities using the material. Their builders did great and discovered their talent with building. I set the project at a four week project.

Other than that he got the reply from Empress Lauris, which we've already handled there.

Berticobella the Small Love-Haver
of Sliefingtime
Berticobella mainly focused on answering mail, forgetting that she needed to make decisions for the projects she has running. She messaged both Lauris and Chlor that she is joining them in their war against Bradj. 

She is receiving Chlor's plans this week.

Project wise, I had the project mangers roll for decisions. The Foreman leading the roadworks had a stroke of genius and decided to make a tunnel, digging deep enough so that it would not desecrate the holy site. It will take longer, but they can keep following orders without having to desecrate a holy space. 
The research on the Magical Lightning Fence with Magical Key didn't receive instruction on what to do, so they decided to go with the easiest first. They found a way to conduct magical energy and turn it into electricity. Guess what special material they need for it though? Vibranium. She will have to obtain some Vibranium somehow to be able to make her entire wall. How will she do this?

Emperor Shibi Js of the empire of Bradj
Emperor Shibi Js keeps sending out letters to try and recruit, even though the once he resends them to haven't even had the chance to reply (that is what they do in this action). He resends his offer to Wildekind and ups the ante, offering five of his best eyes for help in the war. He also invites King Jayden to the war with a very confusingly written message.

He gets a message back from The Wild Child this turn. (so he will read this with the other results) which is a boar with a silver cape carrying a satchel containing a broken spear and a letter saying "Hi Shibi! Me Wild Child! No Faight!" and a muddy handprint as a signature.

He also discovers the spy from Messias and will have to decide what to do with them.
Also, again without actually acting he's gonna lag behind in skills pretty soon.

The Wild Child, Prince of the Animals
Ruler of the Dark Woods.
The Wild Child tries to make friends with King Jayden by sending him food. He tells Emperor Shibi Js that he's not willing to fight. With all this talk of war he decides to reinforce his woods with some traps, at which he succeeds.

Then he catches a spy from Messias. He will have to decide what to do with this next turn.

Overall stats right now:

King Jayden:
Floats on the Sea, Extra Food
Discovery (2)
Project: Expanding to A4

Empress Chlor:
Floats on the River, Tensions with Israel, Subjects are scared, Not enough workers.
Spying (2) - Discovering Secrets (3)
Working (2)

Empress Laurin:
Floats on the River, Tensions with Messias, Afraid of Messias

Emperor Shibi Js:
Magic Superpower Eyes, Dragon egg

Emperor Alex:
Vibranium Mines, Rumbling volcano
Building (2)
Project: Lava-proof walls around cities (1/4).

Berticobella the Small Love-Haver:
Speak all languages
Researching (2)
Building (2)
Project: Road (0/3)
Project: Research Magic electric fence (1/3) 

The Wild Child, Prins of the Animals:
Speaks with Animals, Domain fortified through traps
Hunting (2)



  1. Just discovered this blog and I love it so much! Haven't made my way through the backlog yet but the Rulers of Pegolia series is so fun and adorable. The creativity on display is really inspiring - you have great students. Just started running a campaign for my own students (they're high schoolers, so the vibe is admittedly diff) and I fully intend to comb these posts for ideas. Excellent stuff, fam.

    1. Thank you for the praise. Your blog also seems interesting. I've had a short night and not enough coffee yet, but I'm gonna look through it at some point. I like history, and seeing history I know little about, especially art history, is very much in my wheelhouse.

      I think this statecraft game (it always turns into a wargame, but it's not meant as a wargame perse) would be a great project with high schoolers as well. Feel free to 'steal' the idea :)


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