Saturday, April 8, 2023

Rulers of Pegolia 2023 - Conclusion

 While the game has so much story potential if I keep it running, it was running me into the ground. There was too much time being spent on resolving the actions of all the players, so with the upcoming vacation, and a major event that actually fits in my lessons, I called it quits for this school year.

But don't let me keep the happenings from you guys:

WEEK 4: Plans for Peace

The biggest event here is that Empress Chlor from Messias pulled all her spies back from everywhere and made a big announcement: "Sorry that I sent spies. I was afraid you guys wanted to hurt me. I'm organizing a party to apologize. Will you come?" She hopes this will calm down all of the unrest in her empire. 

The workers who are working on her wall are still upset that there are no more workers. They ask her if she cannot order all of those returned spies to come and help out.

And the spy from The Dark Woods escapes.


In other news, King Jayden from The North Sea on Land decided to ask tell Emperor Shibi Js from Bradj that he can help him recover his lost researchers. The researchers have not sent any more messages.

He took all of his remaining forces to look for his disappeared army troops, being able to track them down to the hill they disappeared on. They saw the footprints from the battle with the giant and saw that on the holy hill (they don't know it's a holy hill) the footprints just stop. No other sign of where they might be.


Emperor Alex of Signapour keeps building his wallstrades Vibranium for water with Sliefingtime and tries to set up a second trade agreement with the Empire of Israël.


Berticobella the Big Love-Haver always has a big lists of actions, and a lot to react to. She did a smart thing and automated some things, so that I'd know what to do in case she wouldn't be there. 

She would ALWAYS give water to Signapour and IF beavers would build a dam in her river, her soldiers would be dispatched to destroy the dam.

She found and rescued her workers that fell into the underground sea. They ask her what she wants to do? Keep working on the road? block off the sea? Investigate the sea? 

She received Vibranium which immediately got used by the craftsmen to make the fence. They worked it like they were born to and were able to make all parts from this one load of Vibranium. They now started the assembly process, which would take a while.

The search for the source of magical energy succeeded. They found the magical flower, brewed the tea from it and the researcher that drank it became an oracle of sorts, getting visions from time to time, including the right way to go. They found the source, a crystalline tree with what looked like a lightning bolt trapped inside of it. They asked how things should progress. Pull power lines to the tree? Take the tree to the city? Or take a seed so they can grow their own?

Her spies tell her of the big search in The North Sea on Land and some of her captured spies tried to escape. One didn't get an opportunity, another got caught but one managed to escape.


Prince Wildekind keeps setting traps around his domain while his mouse spy escapes from captivity and returns.


Empress Lauris tries to calm her people down by giving a speech. She discovered a talent for oration but fails to convince her people by words alone. She also leads a search for her missing troops but cannot find them.


Emperor Shibi Js does nothing. His dragon egg starts moving!

WEEK 5: The End

I had told the kids that this would be the last round, as I was spending up to four hours on this game by now in my precious free time.

King Jayden does nothing.


Empress Chlor finally succeeds in her efforts. Due to signing a peace accord (which was agreed to by all parties in real time in class) her people calm down and celebrate. She promises to put her spies on work duty only to then in the same action pull them back out to search for the escaped mouse spy. The workers are not happy with this.


Emperor Alex finishes the walls to protect him from a possible volcano eruption! His builders are also experts in building with Vibranium now.


Berticobella the little love-haver finally finishes the first part of her road. She investigates the underground lake/sea and discovers a netwerk that spreads underground for miles, possibly right under the other kingdoms as well. The shadows in here seem to have a life of their own though. A rough map is made for her by her expert scouts.

She orders her special tree to be brought to the kingdom, protected by her spies. They bump into the lost army of Empress Lauris though, and then the search party of Empress Lauris, looking for her lost army! A standoff!

She uses the intelligence gotten from the North Sea On Land to save the trapped researchers. They don't want to go back to King Jayden, but prefer to stay with her. She searches for the other lost army from the same kingdom but cannot find it. They seem to have disappeared, as by magic!


Prince Wildekind finished trapping his domain.


Empress Lauris' people also react relieved to the peace treaty signed. Her search party for her lost troops finds them, while being confronted by Sliefingtime's ninja's carrying a glass lighting tree? What?


Emperor Sjibi Js does nothing still and his dragon egg cracks, spilling fire that sets fire to his laboratory!



Final Thoughts:

This was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. It needs to be streamlined to work better for sure.

Some thoughts:

  • Use a different system: Roll For Shoes requires a lot of rolling. I'm thinking more towards a FKR type style of resolution, where rolls are only made if really needed.
  • Don't keep track of things on the computer (going between files became messy and I started making mistakes). Make some forms in advance to keep track of things and projects (with countdowns) so that it's just a matter of checking some boxes and writing some notes.
  • Maybe don't have seven kingdoms to act. What if next time each class has to rule a kingdom. If they are with more, they need to come to an agreement, if they are with only one in the class then they get to be a dictator I guess.

We'll see what next year brings.

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